Christy Review: A Questionable Take on Unrequited Love
In the movie "Christy," Roy, an academically weak student, develops an infatuation for his tuition...
In the movie "Christy," Roy, an academically weak student, develops an infatuation for his tuition...
"Custody" follows the story of Constable Shiva, who must protect a key witness, Raju, from...
"Thugs" is a Tamil prison-break drama where a group of remand prisoners led by Sethu...
"Romancham" is a horror-comedy film directed by Jithu Madhavan, revolving around a group of youngsters...
"Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani" is a glamorous masala film directed by Karan Johar,...
"Oppenheimer" is Christopher Nolan's ambitious biopic, exploring the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist...
In "Barbie," directed by Greta Gerwig, the iconic Mattel toy comes to life as a...
"Good Night" is a heartwarming Tamil film that revolves around Mohan, an IT youngster with...
"Viduthalai Part 1" is a captivating film directed by Vetri Maaran, centered around the conflict...
"Pathu Thala" is the Tamil remake of the Kannada film "Mufti." It follows Shakthivel, an...