Maamannan Review: Balancing Ambition and Reality
"Maamannan" is a socially-driven film that delves into power dynamics and oppression through the lives...
"Maamannan" is a socially-driven film that delves into power dynamics and oppression through the lives...
In this rural action drama, "Kathar Basha Engira Muthuramalingam," an arrogant man, Kathar Basha, marries...
"Thrishanku" is a delightful comedy that revolves around the chaos ensuing from a double-elopement situation....
"Tiku Weds Sheru" revolves around the lives of Tiku and Sheru, two aspiring actors in...
In the movie "Christy," Roy, an academically weak student, develops an infatuation for his tuition...
Thalaikoothal follows the journey of Pazhani, a man torn between his deeply ingrained belief system...
"Gargi" is a gripping and thought-provoking film that explores the impact of sexual abuse and...
"Ponniyin Selvan: Part II" is a beautiful continuation of Kalki Krishnamurthy's historical play that started...